Floral Intimacy
Edward Hall Exhibition

[木・金・土]12:00-19:00  [日]12:00-17:00
※月・火・水 休廊

細やかな洞察力で撮影した花(静物)14点に人物ポートレート(プライベート作品・非売品)を2点加え展示。今回、日本では初個展となる「Floral Intimacy」を開催する。是非、ご高覧ください。


Artist Statement





2024年 エドワード・ホール

Many cultures have long histories of floral related art, for example, Japanese Ikebana, the Dutch still life paintings of the Renaissance or the plein-air work of the French impressionists. In each case, the artist is combining their respect for nature with their own joy and emotion.

In one way or another, art taps into the influence and power of Nature and environment in our human existence. It doesn’t really matter where an idea comes from, what matters is why the artist chose to pursue it. The emotion that the artist brings to what they want to say, therefore, also represents a bridge between their own humanity and the world around them.

In some media, like marble sculpture, frescos, or watercolors, once you have done something you can’t change your mind and go back and change it like using oils or clay. This is also true photographing flower materials because, if I re-shoot in two hours, the subject will look different. As a result, I am always moving forward. I can try new things, of course, but I can never go back.

For me, photographing flowers is somewhat like photographing people. No two subjects are exactly the same and each presents themselves in their own self-image against a blank canvas or empty frame. From that starting point, I have to investigate the subject’s individuality and uniqueness in a way that communicates some sort of emotion that invites the viewer to connect with their own memories, perhaps form new ones or discover something new about themselves. Form, texture, light and shadow obviously play important roles in that process. I have always tried to approach floral still life as a form of portraiture.

2024 Edward Hall

◉エドワード・ホール(Edward Hall)
1979年、ボストンのフィリップ・ポルセラとジャック・リッチモンドのスタジオで見習いアシスタントとして写真家としての活動を開始。 1980年、マサチューセッツ州バイフィールドのイームズ・ギャラリーで初の個展を開催。 1981年にニューヨークに移り、リチャード・ジェフリーズ、レベッカ・ブレイク、ビル・キングなど様々なスタジオで照明助手としてキャリアを積み、商業的な活動も始める。2003年、日本に移住。

Edward Hall began his photographic journey in 1979 as an apprentice assistant in the Boston studio of Philip Porcella and Jack Richmond. He had his first solo exhibition in 1980 at the Eames Gallery in Byfield, Massachusetts. Moving to New York City in 1981, Edward continued his development as a lighting assistant in various studios, including those of Richard Jeffries, Rebecca Blake and Bill King among others, and began working commercially on his own. He moved to Japan in 2003.


Floral Intimacy
Edward Hall Exhibition
Open:Thu-Sat 12:00-19:00 Sun 12:00-17:00